Welcome to our Parish

There are two churches in our parish.

St Joseph's, Goole and Sacred Heart, Howden

Father Nigel Barr lives at 1 Buttfield Road, Howden, DN14 7DW. Tel 01430 430245

Mrs Helen Cooke, Headteacher, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy, Goole, Tel: 01405 762607  

St Joseph's,
Pasture Road,
Goole, DN14 6DP

Leeds Diocese logo

Sacred Heart,
Buttfield Road,
DN14 7DW

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Our parish takes the safety and welfare of our children and vulnerable adults very seriously. We are compliant with the government regulations, and follow the diocesan safeguarding guidelines.

If anyone has any anxieties or questions regarding our young and vulnerable members, please contact the parish priest, or the Parish Safeguarding Representatives.

A copy of the Diocese of Leeds Child Protection Policy is available at the back of each church.

Parish Priest - Fr Nigel Barr - 01430 430245

Safeguarding Rep - Kathryn Hall  Email

two of my grandchildren!