Welcome to our Parish

There are two churches in our parish.

St Joseph's, Goole and Sacred Heart, Howden

Father Nigel Barr lives at 1 Buttfield Road, Howden, DN14 7DW. Tel 01430 430245

Mr Matthew Harris, Headteacher, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy, Goole, Tel: 01405 762607

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SICK AND HOUSEBOUND Please pray for them. Damian Ainscough, Anna Barszc, Christopher Brown, Patience Dare, Carol Dent, Anne Hayward, Eileen Hodgson, Dorothy Kershaw, Anthony Margrave, Jean McAndrew, Mirry Redman, Bernard Rook, Ken Rumney, Timmy Ryan, Kevin and Catherine Thornton, Alison Urquhart and all those who are ill and would like to remain anonymous. 


HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE, SICK AND HOUSEBOUND The letter of St James, Chapter 5, verse 14: “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” If you or anyone you know is ill, either in hospital or at home, and would like to receive the Church’s ministry in anointing and Holy Communion, please let Fr Nigel know and he will come and visit you/your family and friends He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.


SUNDAY OFFERINGS. Those of you who wish to give offerings to the parish by Standing Order (if you are not already doing) will need these details: HSBC: 40-27-15 ACCOUNT NO. 31017373 ACCOUNT NAME: DIOCESE OF LEEDS  


Friday 7th February 2025 At 6.00pm at St Mary’s Church and Parish Centre, Gowthorpe, Selby: parents of candidates for this year’s Confirmation (which is at St Mary’s Church, Selby at 7.00pm on Friday 28th February 2025) are invited by St Mary’s Catechists, to a meeting with them regarding details of, and planning for, the Confirmation. Please do your best to attend.  


 SALE OF CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS AND WOOLLY HATS Thanks to Ann Sutcliffe (Hilary Parkinson’s cousin) for her work in making the hats and supplying the decorations. Sales made £48.20 for the Sacred Heart Refurbishment Fund. A couple of hats remain if anyone else wants one, please see Hilary.

HINSLEY HALL (62 Headingley Lane, Leeds. LS6 2BX)
10am-3pm (refreshments available from 9.30)

Talk from Victims and Survivor Guest Speakers
A talk on Dementia Friendly Churches ‘When you are ready’
Hydrant programme A time to share good practice
To book your place please email safeguarding@dioceseofleeds.org.uk
Lunch will be provided, please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.

2024 was Lepra’s Centenary Year and for 100 years Lepra’s research has led to new and innovative approaches to healthcare programmes. Lepra seeks to provide better detection, treatment and support mechanisms, to advocate for those without a voice, to challenge prejudice wherever it exists, to strengthen local health systems and to help provide sustainable healthcare in partnership with local health communities for a future free from the terrible impact of the disease.
With every delayed diagnosis, another person is at risk of developing life-changing disabilities as a result of leprosy. In response, Lepra is increasing our efforts to actively find, diagnose, treat and support people affected by leprosy in India and Bangladesh, rather than hoping they find us. Now more than ever you help is needed.