Welcome to our Parish

There are two churches in our parish.

St Joseph's, Goole and Sacred Heart, Howden

Father Nigel Barr lives at 1 Buttfield Road, Howden, DN14 7DW. Tel 01430 430245

Mrs Helen Cooke, Headteacher, St Joseph’s Catholic Primary Academy, Goole, Tel: 01405 762607  

St Joseph's,
Pasture Road,
Goole, DN14 6DP

Leeds Diocese logo

Sacred Heart,
Buttfield Road,
DN14 7DW

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Sunday 21st June 2024


Mary, Our Lady of Kiev, Mother of God,
we ask you to intercede for the people of Ukraine,
for their government,
and all who suffer as a result of war
Be with them as you stood beside your Son,
suffering on the Cross at Calvary.
Give them strength and courage through faith, hope and justice.
May we, in our turn,
support them to prayer and generosity
that human lives may be saved,
that the injured may be healed,
that the dead may rest in peace,
that there will be peace after war.


Please pray for them.
Damian Ainscough, Anna Barszc, Christopher Brown, Fr Don Clements, Patience Dare, Carol Dent, Anne Hayward, Eileen Hodgson, Dorothy Kershaw, Anthony Margrave, Jean McAndrew, Mirry Redman, Bernard Rook, Ken Rumney, Timmy Ryan, Kevin and Catherine Thornton, Alison Urquhat and all those who are ill and would like to remain anonymous.



The letter of St James, Chapter 5, verse 14: “Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” If you or anyone you know is ill, either in hospital or at home, and would like to receive the Church’s ministry in anointing and Holy Communion, please let Fr Nigel know and he will come and visit you/your family and friends 

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds  


SUNDAY OFFERINGS. Those of you who wish to give offerings to the parish by Standing Order (if you are not already doing) will need these details: HSBC: 40-27-15 ACCOUNT NO. 31017373 ACCOUNT NAME: DIOCESE OF LEEDS

FAREWELL Farewell to Mrs Helen Cooke, our Headteacher at our school, Saint Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, who is leaving us to go to be Headteacher of Saint Ignatius Catholic Primary Academy in Ossett. We are all sorry to say goodbye to Helen: she has been a wonderful headteacher and she will be greatly missed by all of us: pupils and staff, parents and governors, parishioners and parish priest. We give thanks to God for all that Helen has done and achieved at our school, and express our gratitude to her, wishing her all the very best and every blessing in her new role at Ossett. We look forward to welcoming Mr Matthew Harris as interim head teacher in September. Please keep both Helen and Matthew in your prayers.

St Josephs Catholic Primary School, Goole currently has a vacancy for one Foundation governor. Governors play a vital role in education and it is very rewarding. By volunteering as a governor for a school you can make a difference by shaping the future of children and young people. Many of you have talents that you are unaware of as yet, and being a governor brings these talents into focus. If this is something you might consider doing please do chat to Barbara or Melonie after Mass in Howden or Mary, Julia or Kevin in Goole.



A huge thank you to all who helped and supported the fundraiser in aid of SPUC last Sunday. We made a total of £278.40. And special thanks to Hilary, Andrea and Pat for their cake baking which always proves to be a great success.


Many thanks for all who contributed to the EMMAUS APPEAL - the rough sleepers team operates across the East Riding with Goole as a main focus. Patrick Doyle (Emmaus Hull)


Q1 How does your garden grow?
A1 Beautifully because of your devotion to it.
St Joseph’s wishes to beg the fruits of your labour – in the form of bulbs or cuttings of plants you are separating. The Parish Garden should reflect its people as we celebrate our Liturgy for Church and School. Seasonal planting will be as ‘Eucharistic’ as possible in its associations but your favourites and advice about them allows all to share your achievements.


MARCH FOR LIFE UK March for Life UK happens in London on Saturday 7th September. There are many attempts at the moment to further liberalise abortion in the UK and to silence those offering any alternative viewpoint whether that’s ‘pills by post’ abortions, ‘decriminalisation’, buffer zones or censorship on pro-life students at universities. The dangers of these situations are being highlighted by the theme for this year’s March for Life, which is ‘Abortion isn’t Healthcare’. Join thousands at this family-friendly event. Find out more at marchforlife.co.uk